Since the downloads to these tools are often faked and infect your PC we are providing links to the official downloads. These programs are your first line of defense. For any remaining problems, bring your PC to us (or we can come to you) for a more thorough cleaning.
Tim Klingensmith — Great place to buy parts for your pc. The owner is knowledgeable and very nice to deal with. Prices are extremely reasonable
It is our goal to be the trusted, strategic ally of our customers and provide quality IT services and solutions. With our proactive support and local on-site training and installations, we aim to reduce downtime and keep business-critical systems and applications running smoothly. You'll be hard-pressed to find a more knowledgeable, dedicated team that can help you overcome today's mission-critical
Aly B. — I was meeting my friend who was at the building to drop off keys to her and one of the employees came out and began yelling