Psychsoftpc is a manufacturer of high performance computers with Gaming PC, Business Computer, supercomputer and Graphics Workstation models based in Quincy, MA. Psychsoftpc makes the Psyborg Extreme Gamer PC high performance gaming computer the Psyborg Extreme Graphics Workstation featuring the NVidia Quadro workstation graphics card and the Psychlone Personal Supercomputer with Tesla technology.
Ryan Mcdnough — My pc box when I opened it just found a pile of plastic in a tower case
A Quincy MA information technology / computer consulting / network consuulting firm operating since 1987 with a proven track record and experienced staff to meet all your information technology / computer needs. Rest of the information you will find on our website. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Anqi Cai — Very unprofessional. The address showed on Google map is unclear with no house number. So, I made a call to the number from